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Concretesilandista shares her story with WHY START MONDAY

Why do we work so hard? Why do we pursue our dreams and goals? What gives us the drive to get up each morning and push forward? Perhaps is a family we need to support or the contract you signed. Well for me its the knowing that if I never start and hustle I will immensely disappoint myself. Yes I say myself, because I am much tougher on myself than anyone could be. For me the idea of leaving something to be done later keeps me up at night. That is why I don’t leave things for Monday!

As many of you know already I work in the fashion industry and I still find myself having to explain what that is really like. Just reading comments on social media in regards to the industry I feel I work in a fishbowl with people looking in. Many people still have many negative connotations towards people that work in this industry. Whether it is that we don’t work, are shallow or aren’t making significant impacts on important parts of society. When in fact many creative industry people are extremely hard workers that have lives full of late nights. Do you know why? Because thin skinned people who expect to enjoy the perks of the industry without the work get chewed up and spit out. They get hit with reality real quick and they quit, I’ve seen it.

So with the fact that I work in such a difficult industry, why the heck would I start a blog/business! I’ll tell you why. When I started the blog I was having such a hard time finding work. I started to feel like I was failing and I was losing my mind without something to do everyday. The idea of talking about an industry that I have a degree in became a no brainer to me. So I decided to do my homework and start the blog, because why start Monday?

Starting it has been one of the best decisions ever. Although it has added more to my workload and long nights it has enriched my life in many ways. The community of bloggers, some that I have developed friendships with, has always been supportive. The readers and followers who enjoy my content with their positive feedback have also been a testament on why I didn’t wait for Monday. The relationships with brands, companies and network of people I’ve created relationships have become priceless.

A company that understands the urgency of starting your journey to your goals is Why Start Monday. Creator Asim Emory realized that we are a society that believes Monday is the day to start tackling our goals. It is an easier decision to leave something for Monday than start immediately. He experienced this with his workout regimen when he made the decision to get healthy. He would leave his diet and workout for Monday, which allowed him time to come up with excuses and not accomplish his goals. This mentality started to affect other aspects of his life. Realizing this he started “Why Start Monday” a brand that constantly reminds you to tackle you goals and dreams.

So go ahead start that business, class, workout regime and tackle that tough industry! Just be realistic on how much hard work you are going to need to put into it. Don’t let the million nos and slammed doors stop you from pursuing your goals. In the end you don’t want to be one of those people that say “I should’ve” instead of “I did”. Why Start Monday!

Is there something you started that you’re happy you didn’t leave for Monday? Or is there something you have been pushing off for Monday? Learn more about Why Start Monday here, which by the way gives 10% of each purchase to the Make a Wish foundation. Motivational and charitable!


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